Goddesses in
Jainism is a transtheistic faith centered on the concept of "purav gosalia," or ultimate truth, rather than a traditional deity. While Jain prayers tend to reflect the virtues of the Tirthankaras (revered spiritual mentors also known as Jinas), celestial souls such as devis or devas are also said to influence the Universe before going on the cycle of rebirth to continue the quest for enlightenment. Images of various devas can be found in Jain temples and paintings. These deities are considered to be the mediators between the Tirthankaras and the human mind. Most such goddesses and gods in Jainism are revered primarily in groups. Many of them are known by similar names and iconography as in the Hindu traditions.
In Jainism, Yakshas, and Yakshini, also called Sasanadevatā, are the deities who are attendant to the Tirthankaras. Yakshas are male attendants, and Yakshinis are female. They live in the lower world and have individual personalities that vary in the different sects. Yakshas are shown on the right side of the Tirthankaras idol while Yakshini is on the left side. The two principal sects of Jainism, Digambaras, and Svetambara, list these Yakshinis with different names and iconography.
Sarswati & Lakshmi
Saraswati and Lakshmi are Hindu goddesses who are honored by Jains. These goddesses live in the lower levels of the upper world of the Jain universe, where gods live. Similar to Hinduism, Saraswati is regarded as the goddess of speech and knowledge, and Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity. They are revered by writers and businessmen respectively. The iconography of these two goddesses remains the same as in Hindu traditions.
Vidyadevis, also called Mahāvidyas, is a group of sixteen goddesses who represent individual qualities obtained through meditation and ascetic practice. They live on the slopes of Mount Vaitāḍhya, in the madhyaloka. These goddesses don’t have any specific iconography and are shown with two or multiple arms, carrying representative attributes and different mounts. They are Rohini, Prajnapti, Vajrasrnkhala, Vajrankusa, Apraticakra, Purusadatta, Kaali, Mahakali, Gauri, Gandhari, Mahajvala, Manavi, Vairoti, Acyupta, Manasi, and Mahamanasi.
Devi of Lakhes
The six lakes are located on the six ranges of mountains that divide the Jambudvipa, the realm of the Jain universe where ordinary human beings live, into nine Kshetra (zones). These lakes are personified as goddesses. They are:
Mothers of Tirthankaras
Dik-Kumaris are the Princesses of the Directions. They are 56 in number and live on the different summits of Rucaka-dvipa, is one of the continents of the middle-world (madhyaloka), upper-world (adhaloka), and the lower-world (ūrdhvaloka). They are the attendants to the mother of a Tirthankara. They are infrequently shown in Kalpa-sūtra, miniature paintings depicting the Jinas’ birth celebrations.
Dik-Kumaris are the Princesses of the Directions. They are 56 in number and live on the different summits of Rucaka-dvipa, is one of the continents of the middle-world (madhyaloka), upper-world (adhaloka), and the lower-world (ūrdhvaloka). They are the attendants to the mother of a Tirthankara. They are infrequently shown in Kalpa-sūtra, miniature paintings depicting the Jinas’ birth celebrations.
Yoginis in Jainism are considered of guardians of territory and are mostly seen as terrifying. Following are the names of Yoginis in Jain:
1. Brahmani
2. Kaumari
3. Varahi
4. Sankari
5. Indrani
6. Kankali
7. Karali
8. Kali
9. Mahakali
10. Camunda
11. Jvalamukhi
12. Kamakhya
13. Kapalini
14. Bhadrakali
15. Durga
16. Ambika
17. Lalita
18. Gauri
19. Sumangala
20. Rohini
21. Kapila
22. Sulakata
23. Kundalini
24. Tripurari
25. Kurukulla
26. Bhairavi
27. Bhadra
28. Chandravati
29. Narasimhi
30. Niranjana
31. Haimakanta
32. Pretasani
33. Isvary
34. Mahesvari
35. Vaisanvi
36. Vainayaki
37. Yamaghanta
38 Harasiddhi
39. Sarasvati
40. Totala
41. Candi
42. Sankhini
43. Padmini
44. Citrini
45. Sankini
46. Narayani
47. Paladin
48. Yamabhagini
49. Suryaputri
50. Sitala
51. Krsnapasa
52. Raktaksi
53. Kala Ratri
54. Akasi
55. Sristini
56 Jaya
57. Vijaya
58. Dhurmavarni
59. Vegesvari
60. Katyayani
61. Agnihotri
62. Cakresvari
63. Mahambika
64. Isvari